The Paddle Steamer Waimarie’s original boiler was removed when she was salvaged in 1993. Her new boiler is a replica of the original.
The original boiler was built at the shipyard of Yarrow & Co. at Poplar, London in 1899. This type of boiler was made for use in torpedo boats capable of reaching speeds of 32 knots and the beauty of it is the speed of raising steam from cold. The boiler could be up to pressure in an hour. These were the first successful water-tube boilers used in naval vessels.
The replica boiler differs from the original only in that the steam drum ends are welded; on the original the steam drums ends were riveted. The original boiler was re-tubed in 1918 and 1936.
The replica boiler was lifted into the vessel on 19 May 1999.
On the first firing of the restored Paddle Steamer Waimarie’s boiler, steam was raised from cold to 160 psi in 55 minutes.